Thursday, December 5, 2013

Who is the Buxom Balabusta?

Hey Everyone!  Welcome to my blog!! I am so excited to share with you all of the exciting things I do with my family in my home to live a conscious Jewish life.  We strive to live consciously in that we try and make each choice we do throughout the day to be one with meaning and thought.  For example, we keep a kosher home.  We do this partly because it is halacha.  But we also do this because it is something that makes us conscious of our Jewish life each time we sit down to have a meal.  We also try and focus on selecting organic, locally-grown, fresh foods for most of our food choices.  Of course, Kosher meat in Northern Virginia can be a challenge.  We have found a couple stores that sell organic Kosher meat (sometimes even grass-fed or free-range/pastured) and there are great resources online.  We also have found that making a lot of our food from scratch has been hugely helpful when keeping Kosher while simultaneously saving us a lot of time and money. These choices are done to support local organic farmers.  It is also to promote a healthier lifestyle for us and teaches our children where food comes from.  We also try and select products for our home that are good for us and good for the environment.  This is always a work in progress and we are certainly not perfect.  It takes some trial and error and finding what things work for us. 

A little more specifics about me. I am currently a working mom of a 2.5 year old son and married to a wonderful man.  We live in the Northern Virginia area and are conservative Jews.  I converted to Judaism 6 years ago (today! on the last day of Hanukkah).  I married my husband a little less than a year later and welcomed our first son just shy of 3 years after that.  I am currently 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant with our next child (is it a girl? is it a boy? we shall see!).  We live in a small two bedroom condo and are a one car family.  We live a life full of so many wonderful things that we hope to share with you through this blog.

Why did I choose the name Buxom Balabusta?  Well, my lovely Aunt Sandy came over one year for Sukkot just after I was married and told me that I was a real balabusta.  Being that my grasp of Yiddish is very little, she had to explain to me what a Balabusta was. She explained to me that she is the homemaker who is able to do just about everything.  She cooks, she cleans, she raises the children and keeps the household running smoothly.  In our day in age, she often does this wile keeping a full time job and commitments to the community at large.  I was beyond flattered. Over the years, I have longed to start a blog and I knew I wanted the title to have Balabusta in it.  I chose buxom as the adjective because it describes both my physique but also a playfulness that I hope I will convey to you all as we get to know each other.

Over the next few days and weeks, I imagine a good many of my blog posts will be about my pregnancy, birth and children.  However, my hope is that this blog will focus on much more than this.  I hope to talk about living a Jewish life, raising Jewish children, and learning along with them as I did not have a Jewish childhood.  I also hope to share with you some of our favorite recipes, cooking techniques, meal planning, etc.  I also want to share with you tips on minimalism in living more with less.  And I'd love to share with you some of the ways we have lowered our toxic load in our home and lifestyle.  I hope that we will be able to foster a community through my blogs.  I'd love suggestions and questions so please feel free to contact me in the comments or by email at buxombalabusta (at) gmail (dot) com.

I look forward to getting to know you all!

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